

脚手架知识 脚手架行情 常见问题



With the development of social economy, the demand for mobile scaffolding is increasing gradually. Many construction enterprises will choose to rent scaffolding to save construction costs in the future. So many friends want to start a scaffolding rental enterprise. How much capital does it need to start a mobile scaffolding rental company? What are the requirements? 1、移动脚手架租赁企业应具备相应的资质。租赁企业的租赁物质量、经营场地、人员、管理、 服务等,应符合现行行业标准《模板移动脚手架租赁企业等级划分规范》SB/T10545的有 关规定。

1, scaffolding leasing enterprises should have corresponding qualifications. The quality of leased materials, operating sites, personnel, management and services of leasing enterprises shall comply with the relevant provisions of SB/T10545, the current industry standard "Standards for Classification of Template Scaffold Leasing Enterprises".

2、门式脚手架租赁企业应建立完善的租赁物维修保养标准、管理制度、作业规程及租赁物台账 ,并应保留原始资料。

2. Scaffold leasing enterprises should establish perfect standards of maintenance, management system, operating procedures and account books of leased goods, and should retain original data.

3、门式脚手架租赁企业应每年对租赁货物进行至少一次质量检验,并应保存质量检验记录或质 量检验报告。质量检验报告应由具有相应行业检测资质的质量监督检验机构出具。

3. Scaffold leasing enterprises shall conduct at least one quality inspection of the leased goods every year, and shall keep quality inspection records or quality inspection reports. The quality inspection report shall be issued by the quality supervision and inspection institution with the qualification of the corresponding industry.

4、梯形脚手架租赁企业应对维修保养后的租赁物进行检验,并应对检验合格的租赁物出具租赁 物维修质量合格证。租赁物维修质量合格证内容应包括租赁物品名、规格、维修时间 、租赁企业名称或标识。

4. Scaffold leasing enterprises shall inspect the leased goods after maintenance, and shall issue certificates for the quality of maintenance of the leased goods that are qualified for inspection. The contents of the quality certificate for maintenance of leased goods shall include the name, specifications, maintenance time and the name or identification of the leasing enterprise.

5、梯形脚手架租赁企业应具有车间或场地,并应配备用于维修租赁物的专业机具设备及维修人 员,以及配备检具、量具和检测人员。检具、量具应进行校准/计量。

5. Scaffold leasing enterprises shall have workshops or venues, and shall be equipped with professional equipment and maintenance personnel for the maintenance of leased goods, as well as with inspection tools, measuring tools and testing personnel. Inspection tools and gauges should be calibrated / measured.


2. Scaffold leasing enterprises shall ensure the quality requirements for the safe use of leased goods and shall comply with the following provisions:


1. We should not engage in leases of irregular manufacturers, jerry-building, sub-prime and unclear origin (manufacturers).

2、不应提供虚假、过期或与其提供的租赁物、材料不相对应的复检合格的证明材料 。

2. No false, expired or qualified certification materials for reexamination that do not correspond to the leases or materials provided by them shall be provided.


3. No substandard or other manufacturer's leases shall be included in the leases supplied indicating the manufacturer's qualifications.


4, users should not be provided with unrepaired or scrapped items.


The leasing enterprise shall have corresponding technical personnel and control means or technical support from the cooperative unit, and shall have the following technical support conditions:


Scaffolding staff


(1) acceptance of the technical performance and quality of purchased leases;


(2) determination of maintenance and scrapping of maintenance items.


(3) selection of maintenance process and control of maintenance quality.


(4) determination of load test and performance test results.


(5) mastering the conditions for abandonment of leases.


Scaffold leasing enterprises shall determine the quantity and specifications of leased goods according to the construction needs and the design scheme, and shall provide after-lease services.

1、 租赁物安装、搭设、拆除人员应持证上岗,装卸人员应经过专业培训。

1. The installation, erection and demolition of the rental objects should be carried out with certificates. The loading and unloading personnel should undergo professional training.


2, the erection and removal of the lease items should meet the requirements of the special design plan.

标签:脚手架 移动脚手架 梯形脚手架 门式脚手架 脚手架厂家 全部


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