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不同类型的工程施工选用不同用途的移动脚手架和模板支架。目前,桥梁支撑架使用碗扣脚手架的居多,也有使用门式脚手架的。主体结构施工落地脚手架使用扣件脚手架的居多,移动脚手架立杆的纵距一般为1.2~1.8m;横距一般为0.9~1.5m。扣件式钢管脚手1:优点 1) 承载力较大。当移动脚手架的几何尺寸及构造符合规范的有关要求时,一般情况下,移动脚手架的单管立柱的承载力可达15kN~35kN(1.5tf~3.5tf,设计值)。 2)装拆方便,搭设灵活。由于钢管长度易于调整,扣件连接简便,因而可适应各种平面、立面的建筑物与构筑物用门式脚手架。 3)比较经济。加工简单,一次投资费用较低;如果精心设计门式脚手架几何尺寸,注意提高钢管周转使用率,则材料用量也可取得较好的经济效果。扣件钢管架折合每平方米建筑用钢量约15公斤。

Scaffolds and formwork supports are chosen for different types of engineering construction. At present, most of the bridge support frames are bowl buckles and scaffolding. In the construction of main structure, fastener scaffolding is mostly used. The longitudinal distance of scaffolding poles is generally 1.2-1.8 m, and the transverse distance is generally 0.9-1.5 M. Fastener type steel pipe foot 1: advantages 1) large bearing capacity. When the scaffolding geometry and structure meet the relevant requirements of the code, in general, the bearing capacity of the scaffolding single pipe column can reach 15 kN-35 kN (1.5 tf-3.5 tf, design value). 2) easy installation and installation. Because the length of steel pipe is easy to adjust and the connection of fasteners is simple, it can be used in scaffolding of buildings and structures with various planes and elevations. 3) Comparative economy. The processing is simple and the cost of one-time investment is low. If the scaffolding geometry size is carefully designed and the turnover utilization rate of steel pipe is improved, the material consumption can also achieve better economic results. The steel pipe rack of the fastener is equivalent to 15 kilograms of steel per square metre.

2:缺点 1)扣件(特别是它的螺杆)容易丢失; 2)节点处的杆件为偏心连接,靠抗滑力传递荷载和内力,因而降低了其承载能力; 3)扣件节点的连接质量受扣件本身质量和工人操作的影响显著。

2: Disadvantage 1) Fasteners (especially its screw) are easily lost; 2) the rods at the joints are eccentrically connected, which transfer loads and internal forces by anti-sliding force, thus reducing their bearing capacity; 3) the quality of the connection of fastener joints is significantly affected by the quality of fasteners themselves and the operation of workers.

3:适应性 1)构筑各种形式的梯形脚手架、模板和其它支撑架; 2)组装井字架; 3)搭设坡道、工棚、看台及其它临时构筑物, 4)作其它种梯形脚手架的辅助,加强杆件;

3: Adaptability 1) Constructing various forms of scaffolding, formwork and other support frames; 2) assembling derrick; 3) erecting ramps, shed, stand and other temporary structures; 4) assisting other kinds of scaffolding to strengthen poles; 门式钢管脚手架

Portal steel pipe scaffold

1:优点 1)门式钢管脚手架几何尺寸标准化。 2)结构合理,受力性能好,充分利用利用钢材强度,承载能力高。 3)施工中装拆容易、架设效率高,省工省时、安全可靠、经济适用。

1: advantage 1) standardization of portal steel tube scaffold geometry. 2) reasonable structure and good mechanical performance, making full use of steel strength and high carrying capacity. 3) construction is easy to install and disassemble, high efficiency, labor saving, time saving, safe and reliable, economical and applicable.

2:缺点 1)构架尺寸无任何灵活性,构架尺寸的任何改变都要换用另一种型号的门架及其配件 2)交叉支撑易在中铰点处折断; 3)定型脚手板较重, 4)价格较贵 门式钢管脚手架

2: Disadvantage 1) There is no flexibility in the size of the frame. Any change in the size of the frame should be replaced by another type of gantry and its fittings 2) The cross support is easy to break at the mid-hinge point; 3) the stereotyped scaffold is heavier; 4) the price is higher than the expensive gantry steel tube scaffold.

3:适应性 1)构造定型脚手架 2)作粱、板构架的支撑架(承受竖向荷载); 3)构造活动工作台;

3: Adaptability 1) Structural stereotyped scaffolding 2) as the support of sorghum and slab frame (bearing vertical load); 3) tectonic active workbench;


Bowl buckle steel pipe scaffold

1:优点 1)多功能:能根据具体施工要求,组成不同组架尺寸、形状和承载能力的单、双排脚手架,支撑架,支撑柱,物料提升架,爬升脚手架,悬挑架等多种功能的施工装备。也可用于搭设施工棚、料棚、灯塔等构筑物。特别适合于搭设曲面脚手架和重载支撑架。 2)高功效:常用杆件中最长为3130mm,重17.07kg。整架拼拆速度比常规快3~5倍,拼拆快速省力,工人用一把铁锤即可完成全部作业,避免了螺栓操作带来的诸多不便。 3)通用性强:主构件均采用普通的扣件式钢管脚手架之钢管,可用扣件同普通钢管连接,通用性强。 4)承载力大:立杆连接是同轴心承插,横杆同立杆靠碗扣接头连接,接头具有可靠的抗弯、抗剪、抗扭力学性能。而且各杆件轴心线交于一点,节点在框架平面内,因此,结构稳固可靠,承载力大。(整架承载力提高,约比同等清况的扣件式钢管脚手架提高15%以上,) 5)安全可靠:接头设计时,考虑到上碗扣螺旋摩擦力和自重力作用,使接头具有可靠的自锁能力。作用于横杆上的荷载通过下碗扣传递给立杆,下碗扣具有很强的抗剪能力(最大为199kN)。上碗扣即使没被压紧,横杆接头也不致脱出而造成事故。同时配备有安全网支架,间横杆,脚手板,挡脚板,架梯。挑粱.连墙撑等杆配件,使用安全可靠。 6)易于加工:主构件用Φ48×3.5、Q 235焊接钢管,制造工艺简单,成本适中,可直接对现有扣件式脚手架进行加工改造.不需要复杂的加工设备。 7)不易丢失:该脚手架无零散易丢失扣件,把构件丢失减少到最小程度。 8)维修少:该脚手架构件消除了螺栓连接.构件经碰耐磕.一般锈蚀不影响拼拆作业,不需特殊养护、维修。 9)便于管理:构件系列标准化,构件外表涂以橘黄色。美观大方,构件堆放整齐,便于现场材料管理,满足文明施工要求。 10)易于运输:该脚手架最长构件3130mtm,最重构件40.53kg,便于搬运和运输。

2:缺点 1)横杆为几种尺寸的定型杆,立杆上碗扣节点按0.6m间距设置,使构架尺寸受到限制; 2)U形连接销易丢; 3)阶格较贵; 3.3.3适应性 1)构筑各种形式的脚手架、模板和其它支撑架; 2)组装井字架; 3)搭设坡道、工棚、看台及其它临时构筑物; 4)构造强力组合支撑柱; 5)构筑承受横向力作用的支撑架;

标签:脚手架 移动脚手架 梯形脚手架 门式脚手架 脚手架厂家 全部


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